The end of the school year is here. Cadets of glory, one because they passed all the exams, and the other because they gave the famous student "condition". Only Zimche is packing. There is nobody to rush her, except the best friend of the Sasvara. In the end of the year there is an inevitable performance in which the happy couple - Romeo and Juliet. They go to the curious professor Zeković who loves poetry, hoping to help them achieve their wishes. Rice leads Lacia, the brother of his deceased friend, at Mraz to prepare him for admission to the Military Academy. The light does not believe in itself, and there is no one to believe in him except Rhys. "Opaki" Stosic will also show his other face. Tanja, the girl he hurt one night, will be excluded. His relationship with his father changes. For the first time he felt that this needed his support. Roksa goes with Lieutenant Vasket. There is a great disappointment that will be aroused by her joy, in her shy start. Nevertheless Pasuljan meadows are waiting in the distance.
Kraj školske godine je tu. Kadeti slave, jedni zato što su položili sve ispite, a drugi jer su dali čuveni studentski "uslov". Samo Zimče se pakuje. Nema nikoga da je isprati, osim najbolje drugarice Šašvari. Za kraj godine sprema se i neizbežna predstava u kojoj će zablistati srećni par - Romeo i Julija. Odlaze kod simpatičnog profesora Zekovića koji voli poeziju, u nadi da će im pomoći da ostvare svoje želje. Ris vodi Lakija, brata svog poginulog druga, kod Mraza da ga spremi za prijemni na Vojnoj akademiji. Laki ne veruje u sebe i nema nikoga ko bi u njega verovao, osim Risa. "Opaki" Stošić pokazaće i svoje drugo lice. Izviniće se Tanji, devojci koju je povredio jedne noći. Menja se i njegov odnos prema ocu. Prvi put oseti da ovome treba njegova podrška. Roksa izlazi sa poručnikom Vasketom. Čeka je veliko razočaranje koje će joj pomutiti radost, u njoj stidljivo začetu. Ipak, Pasuljanske livade ih u daljini čekaju.