서커스맨의 정체가 동방민임을 알게 된 권주와 데릭! 골든타임팀이 증거를 수집하며 다인성 망상장애를 앓고 있는 동방민의 인격들에 대한 비밀을 파헤지는 순간, 늦은 밤 검은 우비를 입은 누군가가 비모지방경찰청으로 찾아오는데...
The man who Kwon Joo bumped into in the stairway was Dong Bang Min. He threatens Kwon Joo with a knife. Fortunately, Derek and Dae Sik arrive to save Kwon Joo. Dong Bang Min soon gets released thanks to the connection between the Commissioner General and his grandfather, the head of Sonang Village. Meanwhile, Kwon Joo and Derek find out more about Joo Bum Tae from his schoolmate. And they also hear about a kidnapper who is quite short.
L'homme que Kwon Joo a croisé dans l'escalier est Dong Bang Min. Il menace Kwon Joo avec un couteau. Heureusement, Derek et Dae Sik arrivent pour sauver Kwon Joo. Dong Bang Min est bientôt libéré grâce au lien entre le commissaire général et son grand-père, le chef du village de Sonang. Pendant ce temps, Kwon Joo et Derek en apprennent plus sur Joo Bum Tae par son camarade de classe. Ils entendent également parler d'un kidnappeur de petite taille.