Their objective is to destroy patriarchy; their weapons are bare breasts. FEMEN "sextremists" have now set up shop in more than ten countries, but only have one active branch in North America. In this documentary, VICE journalist Brigitte Noël enters the world of FEMEN Quebec as they disturb the public space with their homegrown brand of activism, bringing skin, controversy, and feminism to the front page. As FEMEN set out on a mission to protect Canadian women's abortion rights, Noël shadowed the group to get a better understanding of their message, their approach, and whether their shock-and-awe tactics actually work.
Jason Coghlan is of one of Britain's most notorious reformed criminals who was jailed for armed robbery before finding an even more lucrative pastime: studying law and founding a legal firm in Marbella, Spain.
VICE founder Suroosh Alvi travels to Nigeria to investigate Boko Haram’s rise and the struggle to contain it.
On June 19, VICELAND will present CUT-OFF, our special documentary on struggle and hope for youth in remote Indigenous communities. It’s a daunting project, as no single documentary can capture the diverse experiences and stories of Canada’s isolated First Nations.
The contestants are very stoned. They enter a room with nothing but bright lights and a TV screen. There is no right answer. There is only what the TV wants to hear.
“I am here today not because I want to be. I am terrified. I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while Brett Kavanaugh and I were in high school.” - Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Part 1: This investigation reveals that thousands of nuns were sexually abused for decades by priests across all continents. From 1994 until 2015 the Vatican was alerted by internal confidential reports about churchmen that regularly rape nuns in more than 23 countries. These reports have been hushed up and the rapists continue to harm freely. With the complicity of the ecclesiastical courts, their victims have been reduced to silence, sometimes pushed to abort, often excluded from their community. For the first time the victim nuns, their superior mothers, priests and rapists break the silence to testify to these systemic sexual abuses.
Part 2: This investigation reveals that thousands of nuns were sexually abused for decades by priests across all continents. From 1994 until 2015 the Vatican was alerted by internal confidential reports about churchmen that regularly rape nuns in more than 23 countries. These reports have been hushed up and the rapists continue to harm freely. With the complicity of the ecclesiastical courts, their victims have been reduced to silence, sometimes pushed to abort, often excluded from their community. For the first time the victim nuns, their superior mothers, priests and rapists break the silence to testify to these systemic sexual abuses.
Survivors of the Hamas attack at the Nova music festival provide firsthand accounts of the deadliest festival in history, that some say may change the face of the Middle East.