Ein Teil der Ikazuchi und das Schiff der Frauen verschmelzen, während ein Feind angreift. Zuerst denken die Frauen, dass es sich um feindlich gesinnte Männer handelt, doch schnell bemerken sie, dass es sich um einen anderen Feind handelt.
Hibiki finds himself captured by a ship full of women after being abandoned by his fellow citizens, with the exception of two other unlucky men - Bart Garsus, a cowardly, self-proclaimed ""helmsman"" and Duero, a highly educated student who had become a doctor on a whim to stay alive. Things look pretty dire for the men - but while the pirates are deciding about the fate of their new male prisoners, a mysterious enemy begins an attack on them.
Now, in a life or death battle, everyone, even the men, must work to escape this new threat. Bart manages to weasel his way into piloting the ship (even though he has no idea how to), and Duero makes use of his medical skills. A despondent Hibiki, left without anything to contribute, feels that he can do nothing to change his pathetic existence - that is, until the vice-commander gives him some words that he will soon not forget...
Le vaisseau dans lequel se retrouvent prisonniers trois hommes: Hibiki, Duero et Garsus, a subit d'étranges mutations lors d'un saut dans l'espace ainsi que de nombreux autres appareils tels que les Dreads et le Vanguard. Les Femmes qui se sont emparées du vaisseau, tout en continuant à l'étudier, s'interrogent sur le sort à réserver à leurs prisonniers lorsqu'ils subissent soudainement un assaut extra-terrestre. La situation s'annonce mal car elles sont incapables de manoeuvrer le vaisseau des Hommes...
La porción abandonada de Ikazuchi y el barco pirata de sexo femenino se funden por cristalización. Un enemigo desconocido ataca la nave combinada.