Eighteen-year-old Dokrak decides to take a gap year to find herself after finishing high school. She has a part-time job at a coworking space coffee shop, Cuf & Co. It's here that she crosses paths with twenty-two-year-old dentistry student Pam who 's a regular at the café to hit the books. As she gets to know Pam, Dokrak develops a crush. When her brother, however, meets Pam, he falls for her at first sight. Kawi turns to Dokrak, asking her to play matchmaker. Because she loves him and wants to see him happy, Dokrak begins coaching him. As time goes on, however, she finds herself unable to ignore her growing feelings for Pam. Before she knows it, she's fully in love and Pam is Kawi's girlfriend.
- Us: Our Love
- The Love of Us
- Us The Series
Dokrak, uma garota simples, nunca pensou em amar uma mulher, mas Pam, uma dentista de olhos castanho-escuros, conquistou seu coração de uma maneira que ela não conseguia entender. Dokrak se sentia encantada pelo perfume único de baunilha de Pam toda vez que ela aparecia. Seria amor?
No entanto, Pam tinha um namorado, o irmão de Dokrak. Ela sabia que não deveria expressar seus sentimentos por Pam. Como poderia lidar com seus sentimentos?