リリースライブもついにPROTOSTARを残すのみとなっていた。LEGITとJAXX/JAXXの集計結果を見ながら、PROTOSTARがどんなライブを見せてくれるのかを話す凛と真音は、sMiLeaプロダクションを発足した当時では考えられなかったことだと振り返る。伝説のアイドルからプロデューサーへの転身で起こった知られざる過去が明らかに。 一方で明良を中心とした所属アイドルたちは、凛、真音、晴美に隠れてなにやら不穏な動きを見せていて……。
Lin se lembra das dificuldades do início como produtor. Enquanto isso, os rapazes da sMiLea elaboram um plano.
La célébrité d'Anela pèse sur l'agence. Maoto et Lin veulent mettre mieux en valeur les groupes de l'agence.
Maoto e Rin cercano nuovi ingaggi per i loro idol, ma tutti i produttori propongono compromessi che i due non sono disposti ad accettare.
PROTOSTAR is the only group that hasn't had their live release concert. Lin and Maoto look at the metrics of the LEGIT and JAXX/JAXX performances, and talk in anticipation about what sort of show PROTOSTAR will put on for them. They imagine it will be a performance that was unthinkable when sMiLea Production first started up as an agency. The unknown past of the once legendary idols' transition to becoming producers is revealed. Meanwhile, Akira and the other idols in the group are showing some unsettling behavior behind Lin, Maoto, and Harumi's backs.