After detective Natsumi Yukihira brings an end to the police hospital terrorist case, Natsumi is transferred to the Nishimonbetsu Police Station in Hokkaido. Meanwhile, a series of grotesque murders occurs in downtown Tokyo involving nails placed in the body of the victims. The fingerprint of Natsumi's ex-husband, freelancer journalist Kazuo Sato, is found on the the body of a victim and Kazuo is placed on the most wanted list. Soon after, Kazuo finds Natsumi and hands her a USB memory stick. The device contains information on a secret organization within the police department. Kazuo tells Natsumi that the series of murders are warnings and suspects become the next victims. Natsumi is then arrested as a suspect. Tokyo prosecutor Katsuaki Murakami appears at the Nishimonbetsu Police Station to investigate.
警視廳檢舉率第一位的冷面女警雪平夏見(篠原涼子 飾)如今在北海道西紋警署刑事科供職,並與上司一條道孝(佐籐浩市 飾)展開新的戀情。與此同時,東京方面接連發生三起射釘槍殺人事件,最終的矛頭全部指向了雪平的前夫佐籐和夫(香川照之 飾)。豈料佐籐就在與雪平見面不久後也慘遭殺害,雪平則意外成為嫌疑犯。為探求真相,雪平假意劫持來自東京的檢察官村上克明(山田孝之 飾),並最終聯合一條以及三上薰(加籐雅也 飾)聯合展開調查。而關於藏有巨大機密的USB,其謎團也久久未曾揭開……