Daphne hat Geburtstag und will Todd mit einer exklusiven Party beeindrucken. Bekah schickt Lou anstößige SMS-Nachrichten, und Raviva wird misstrauisch. Sophia hält es für sehr gewagt, über ihre Freunde zu schreiben. Lou wird eine Beförderung angeboten.
It's Daphne's birthday and she's determined to throw her first classy party in the hopes of impressing Todd - can her friends keep a lock on their embarrassing stories for one night? Lou is offered a promotion that would earn more dough, but push him farther from his dreams. Meanwhile, things get even more complicated for Lou when Bekah starts sending him scandalous texts and Raviva gets suspicious. Sophia is making headway on her novel, but will taking creative liberties with her friends' lives come back to bite her?
Daphne probeert indruk te maken op Todd door een classy verjaardagsfeestje te geven. Bekah stuurt schandalige smsjes naar Lou en Raviva krijgt argwaan. Sophia is bang dat een roman schrijven over haar vrienden iets te riskant is. Lou maakt ook kans op ene promotie.
Raviva, scopre accidentalmente che la protagonista del romanzo di Sophia è un personaggio ispirato a lei, che mette in luce tutti i suoi difetti. Miles si dichiara a Daphne.