The Planetary Invasion Syndicate has called upon Alien Babarue Babaryu to impersonate Ultraman Orb and ruin his reputation as Earth's savior. But while Babaryu tried to do so, the spontaneous appearance of a Telesdon ruined the plan and left Babaryu to fend for himself. During that time, he accidentally shielded the children from Telesdon before the monster got away and him retreating in his human. By mistake, Jetta believed him as the real Orb and had him played with several children. When the Planetary Invasion Syndicate ordered Babaryu to resume his activity, he refused due to his time as a human gave him a change of heart and fought a Cherubim summoned by Jugglus before the real Orb appeared and destroy it. Although exposed as an impostor, Babaryu was thanked by Jetta and several children before he disappeared and was revealed to have restart his new life as a cleaner.