When cultures collide, deliciousness ensues. Dave compares and contrasts the food and orthodoxy of Houston and New Orleans via two delicious denizens of the ocean. It's a trek through Vietnamese and Cajun cuisines that eventually suggests a merger of the two - but only after traversing the seas of racism.
Frustré par le refus obstiné d'innover des chefs de La Nouvelle-Orléans, Dave se rend à Houston, un pays riche en immigrants, pour goûter aux délices vietnamo-cajuns.
Dave è frustrato dall'ostinato rifiuto degli chef di New Orleans di provare cose nuove e va a Houston, dove abitano molti immigrati, per assaggiare la cucina viet-cajun.
Da Köche in New Orleans kulinarische Experimente strikt ablehnen, begibt sich Dave zur Verkostung der scharfen Viet-Cajun-Küche ins multikulturelle Houston.