Shima settles in to her life onboard Stellvia, after the initial introduction assembly, Shima begins her classes, and is required to select which subjects she would like to learn, and meets a new friend Yayoi
She starts the very first lesson she selected which was space training, Shima was at first embarrassed to wear the under uniform but eventually settles in, Shima's first space flight in the Bianca doesn't go well, the instructor tries to stop her machine, but is locked out the system by Shima, which inturn leads to Ayeka Machida of the Big 4 helping, but eventually the Bianca runs out of power, and shima is towed back to Stellvia, Shima feels disheartened.
宇宙学園の入学式を終えた志麻たち予科生。そして、プログラミング、柔道、金属学、そろばん、音楽といった講義を体験していく。そんな中、志麻とアリサは、やよいと晶(あきら)という女の子と友だちになるのだった。 予科生たちは、いよいよレイラ先生による宇宙実習を受けることに。宇宙船のオーバビスマシン「ビアンカ」を初めて操縦することになり、緊張する志麻だったが…。