"Showdown with Rance McGrew" has what could be a fun and interesting idea behind it. There is a lot of solid talent both behind and in front of the camera, but outside of a few humorous moments, this quasi western story is one big misfire. Join Walter as he discusses this episode of The Twilight Zone.
"Kick the Can" is another one of those classic Twilight Zone episodes that have stood the test of time. It's cleverly directed, expertly written, wonderfully acted, and deserves it's place as one most famous episodes of the series. Join Walter as he discusses this fantastic episode in the Twilight-Tober Zone.
"To Serve Man" is absolutely one of the most famous episodes of this show. It's dark ending twist is probably what people remember most about it, but this installment is more than just that story point; it's possibly the most cinematic episode The Twilight Zone ever made using stock footage, shots from other films, and a larger cast than usual to fill out a massive scale story that really stands on its own. Join Walter as he discusses this impressive episode in the Twilight-Tober Zone.
"Number 12 Looks Just Like You" is one of the most memorable installments of The Twilight Zone's fifth season, but it goes beyond that; it's likely among the more recognizable premises of the entire series. Does this iconic episode still hold up? Join Walter in the Twilight-Tober Zone and find out now!