Kicking off the forth series, hair salon owner Michelle celebrates 25 years in the business with a riotous silver anniversary supper that includes anatomically correct nude pastry people and trifles crowned with sugar hair beehives. Michelle's supper table is decorated with silver grapes, candles and flowers before she decks herself out in silver too. The meal concludes with the arrival of a strip-a-gram and, to her delight, Michelle is fireman-lifted out of the room. After they've delivered a day's labour clearing one of her fields, sheep farmer Jenny rewards her friends with a barbecue meal cooked by her friend, ex-gamekeeper David 'The Pigeon Biter', whose speciality dessert is the strangely titled Boiled Baby, He takes Hugh shooting for hare for his hare and venison pie, and expertly butchers the sheep Jenny has donated for the Tandoori Lamb, While the workers toil on the rain-lashed hillside, David and Hugh set up the iron barbecue in the barn and get a roaring fire going.