Procella's Yoru Nagatsuki and You Hazuki are childhood friends whose families have known each other for generations. Their personalities, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses are opposites, leading them to sometimes drift apart. However, as they continue to work under Procella, the two of them are true partners. They've spent most of their lives together. They can tell each other things too difficult to say to others. And because of that relationship, they sometimes clash... This is the, in a sense, same old story of an argument they have during a dance lesson while preparing for the Full Moon Festival.
Yoru und Yō trainieren eine Choreografie für ein gemeinsames Lied, als ihr Trainer neue und schwierigere Tanzschritte vorschlägt. Doch Yoru ist von der neuen Choreografie überfordert und folglich frustriert von seiner schlechten Leistung. Da kommt es zu einem großen Streit mit Yō.