Two years ago, the "Tsukipro Shop in Harajuku 2018" project was launched. As the shop's concept, members wore outfits from the Fairy Tale Collection based on fairy tales. Each group is allowed to choose its own fairy tale, exciting Yayoi Haru's producer spirit, and he offers to come up with Gravi's fairy tale. However, the major fairy tales are quickly selected by the other groups, and he struggles to come up with an idea. While watching Yayoi agonize over the decision, Hajime Mutsuki invites him to a store that specializes in picture books.
Für eine Werbekampagne soll Six Gravity an einer Modenschau teilnehmen. Die sechs Gruppenmitglieder sollen sich ein Märchen überlegen, das sie für ihren Auftritt darstellen wollen. Daraufhin bietet sich Haru an, ein geeignetes Märchen auszusuchen.