Try Not To Laugh, hard mode is back! Shayne and Damien may have tied for the win last time, but this is anybody’s game! This video was shot with a very limited crew. All cast & crew followed all CDC and California COVID-19 precautions and filming guidelines. Punch that bell icon so you'll know when we add a new episode! CAST Shayne Topp: Damien Haas: Olivia Sui: Noah Grossman: Tommy Bowe: Jacklyn Uweh: CREW Director: Kevin Rygg Vice President, Unscripted: Matt Raub Segment Producer/Camera: Kevin Rygg Editor: Nick Agich Production Manager: Garrett Palm Production Coordinator: Jacqi Jones Assistant Director: Garrett Palm Art Director: Cassie Vance Art Coordinator: Yasmeen Mughal Art Assistant: Alex Aguilar DP: Brennan Iketani Sound Mixer: Greg Jones Assistant Editor/DIT: Matt Duran PA: Andrew Harmon PA: Austin Barrett GFX: Winton Foulds Content Manager: Kiana Parker Stage Manager: David Hill Executive Assistant: Sammie Miller
@Gus Johnson, the king of not laughing, could win our hard mode edition of Try Not To Laugh in his sleep— but, can we finally make *him* crack this time?
We started 2020 off with some truly spit-take worthy Try Not to Laugh moments, and ended the year some equally funny jokes with significantly less… droplet spread. Here are some of our favorites!