Jasna odkrije Črtov načrt z borštom, kar je povod za spor. Ponovno pa se v nevarnosti znajde Črt, katerega ljubezenska razmerja kažejo prve resne in vidne posledice.
Metina nosečnost ne ostane skrita Živi. Svoj načrt za Boršt razkrije tudi župan Milan in ko njegove ter Črtove namere odkrije Jasna, je to povod za spor. Črt raziskuje, kdo stoji za dogodki v borštu in ko zastrupljen blodi po borštu sreča Tineta, ki mu pomaga. Meta se po razkritju Heleni ponovno zbliža s Črtom, ki ji zaupa, da ga je oče pred smrtjo klical.
Jasna discovers Crt's plan with the forest, which is the reason for the dispute. Once again, Crt is in danger, and his love affair shows the first serious and visible consequences. Meta's pregnancy doesn't stay hidden to Ziva. Mayor Milan also reveals his plan for the forest, and when Jasna reveals her and Crt's intentions, this is a cause for controversy. Crt investigates who is behind the events in the forest and when the poisoned man wanders around the forest, he meets Tine, who helps him. After the revelation, Meta gets closer to Helena again with Crt, who confides in her that his father called him before he died.