A young woman approaches the Boy Detectives' Club and asks them to find the intended recipient of a series of threat letters her boyfriend made. They accept the job and begin to tail her boyfriend. Meanwhile Kobayashi, after missing his chance to return Hanasaki's dropped wallet, uses it to buy a desperately needed meal. Hanasaki finds out by checking his electronic money usage history, and he convinces Kobayashi to join him on the current investigation in a second attempt to get him to join the club...
Una joven se acerca al club de chicos detectives y les pide que encuentren al destinatario previsto de una serie de cartas de amenaza que envió su novio. Aceptan el trabajo y empiezan a seguir a su novio. Mientras tanto, Kobayashi, después de perder la oportunidad de devolver la billetera caída de Hanasaki, la usa para comprar una comida que necesita desesperadamente.
협박 편지를 감추고 있었던 남자친구를 조사해달라고 찾아온 한 여성. 하나사키와 이노우에는 남자친구 우선 미행하기로 하는데...