Kongpop's dad and Namnueng's dad used to be good friends. They even invested their own money in the pub business together. This business went too well and Kongpop's dad betrayed his own friend and stole the whole business for himself, 20 years past by and Kongpop's dad knew that he would die soon and because of his guilt for what he did he gave Namnueng a large amount of money. When his dad died, Kongpop came back from the US for the funeral and found out about the will of his dad, he became very mad and wanted to get back at Kongpop. He makes her fall in love with him so that she will sign over all of the money.
- Trickery Mischievous Charms
- 100 Trickery's Dangerous Passion
Il padre di Kongpop e il padre di Namnueng sono grandi amici e decidono di investire il proprio denaro aprendo un locale insieme. Quando gli affari iniziano ad andare bene, il padre di Kongpop tradisce l'amico e tiene tutto il guadagno per sé. Vent'anni dopo, attanagliato dai sensi di colpa, decide di lasciare a Namnueng una grande somma di denaro. Quando Kongpop torna dagli Stati Uniti per il funerale del padre, viene a conoscenza delle sue ultime volontà e decide di far innamorare di sé la ragazza per riavere indietro tutti i suoi soldi.