Okomizo Village is a hot spring town in the mountains. The Mizukamis are an old family that runs a business in this area. On the day that the will of the head of the family, Kinmochi, who passed away recently is to be opened, Ueda Jiro (Abe Hiroshi) arrives at the invitation of the Mizukamis. Yamada Naoko (Nakama Yukie) is also here as his “assistant”. The whole family assemble in a large room and wait impatiently. Kinmochi’s three lovely daughters Yukiyo (Kokusho Sayuri), Tsukiko (Fujita Tomoko) and Hanae (Iijima Naoko) all have something to hide and are desperately in need of their inheritance. Eldest daughter Yukiyo is married to Tatsuro (Fuke Norimasa), the president of a large manufacturer. Her daughter Fuyuko appears to have been cheated by a bad man recently and covered with money from the company. So she intends to get all of the inheritance to herself. Second daughter Tsukiko succeeded her late husband as the director of a general hospital but seems to need money immediately because they are being sued for medical malpractice. Third daughter Hanae’s husband Shusuke (Morioka Yutaka) is a prefectural assembly member, but he is in danger of not winning in the next election and urgently requires money. However, the will that the family lawyer Saeki Kozo (Kamijo Tsunehiko) announces comes as a surprise to them. Kinmochi had hardly any assets. The only thing he had is the treasure that the heads of the family handed down from generation to generation. Its appraised value is a multi-billion yen at current value. Amidst the excitement of all present, even Naoko leans in despite herself. But the box which holds the clue to the treasure’s hiding place is under a curse. According to Saeki, successive generations of family heads have gone missing in their attempt to find the treasure. However, the three sisters do not believe this old superstition and curse, and although suspicion and hatred bounce off each other, they seek to open the box. The servant Fujisa
尾古沟村望族水神家的老爷去世,三个女儿幸代、月子(藤田朋子 饰)和华绘(饭岛直子 饰)围绕遗产以及家族传说中的宝藏展开争夺。华绘的儿子明(福士苍汰 饰)找到天才物理教授上田次郎(阿部宽 饰)帮助破解萦绕家族的诅咒之谜,上田自然不会扔下万年助手山田奈绪子(仲间由纪惠 饰)。遗产分配现场,唯唯诺诺的侍女藤崎千佳子(朝仓亚纪 饰)被逼打开号称会带来厄运的盒子,由此开启了水神家族一连串的血腥悲剧的序幕。三姐妹勾心斗角,彼此监视提防,幸代那个看不见的儿子仿佛幽灵一般逡巡乡村各个角落。命案接二连三发生,是诅咒?还是阴谋?