Hitch your wagon and stay a while for every insult the Critters have flung Brian Yee-Haw Foster's way so far on Travis Willingham's Yee-Haw Game Ranch! Watch Travis Willingham's Yee-Haw Game Ranch LIIIIIIIIIIVE every other Tuesday at 4pm PT on https://www.twitch.tv/criticalrole New episodes of Yee-Haw Game Ranch will be available here on YouTube at 10am Pacific each Thursday after the original broadcast. Original theme song by Jason Charles Miller: https://twitter.com/jasoncmiller Twitch subscribers gain instant access to VODs of our shows like Critical Role, Talks Machina Between the Sheets and All Work No Play. But don't worry: Twitch broadcasts will be uploaded to YouTube about 36 hours after airing live, with audio-only podcast versions of select shows on iTunes, Google Play & Spotify following a week after the initial air date. Twitch subscribers also gain access to our official custom emote set and subscriber badges (designed by our beloved Critter Arsequeef) and the...