Reiji Mano (Ryo Nishikido) is a forensic science researcher at the Scientific Research Laboratory in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. He is good at his job, possessing a vast amount of knowledge and having excellent technique. He does not cooperate with others. When he works on a case, he excludes subjective views and speculation. Reiji Mano hates the media and their thirst for sensational news. When he was a child, Reiji Mano experience a terrible case. He has looked for the truth in that case.
Nonna Sawaguchi (Yuko Araki) is a rookie forensic science researcher. She begins to work with Reiji Mano. Because of their work together, Reiji Mano begins to open his mind to others and Nonna Sawaguchi grows up as a forensic science researcher.
原作は元科捜研の古賀慶による漫画「トレース 科捜研法医研究員の追想」。錦戸亮は本作で“月9”初主演を果たす。ある陰惨な過去を持ち、影のある科捜研法医研究員・真野礼二(錦戸)が、真実のかけらを見つけて亡くなった被害者の思いや無念を明らかにしていく。ほか、船越英一郎、新木優子らが出演する。
과수연 법의 연구원인 주인공이 신인 법의 연구원, 베테랑 형사와 사건을 해결해가는 이야기를 그린 드라마