In this video, we delve into the intriguing story behind the notorious failure of Disney's animated film, "The Emperor's New Groove," which originally started as "Kingdom of the Sun." Join us as we explore the turbulent journey of this ambitious project and the documentary that exposed its tumultuous production, known as "The Sweatbox." Discover how the initial vision for a grandiose musical epic set in ancient Peru drastically morphed into a lighthearted buddy comedy filled with comedy and slapstick humor that is "The Emperor's New Groove". Witness the ambitious vision of directors Roger Allers and Mark Dindal clash with the demands and expectations of Disney executives. We also shine a spotlight on the controversial documentary that Disney doesn't want you to see, "The Sweatbox," directed by Trudie Styler (Sting's wife), which inadvertently captured the chaos surrounding the film's production.