In the mid-1980s, Domino's Pizza introduced a quirky new mascot known as The Noid, created by the same company behind "The California Raisins". This mischievous character quickly became a cultural phenomenon and the face of the pizza chain's advertising campaigns. And while many people know the story of the tragic incident involving a hostage situation and a man named Kenneth Lamar Noid, the order of events over the years has been distorted. In this video, we explore the rise and fall of The Noid, examining the impact it had on Domino's Pizza and the wider world of advertising and marketing. We delve into the history of the character, from its inception to its ultimate demise, and the cultural significance of The Noid as an iconic figure of the 1980s. We also discuss the broader implications of branding and commercialism, as well as the role of failed marketing campaigns in shaping consumer perception and brand image.