In the 1990s, superhero cartoons were all the rage, with X-Men: The Animated Series leading the pack. But when Jim Lee's WildCats (sometimes rendered WildCats or WildC.A.T.s) arrived on the scene as a potential competitor, it failed to measure up. In this video, we talk about how the WildCats cartoon failed to capture the same audience as X-Men: The Animated Series, and how it struggled to find its place in the crowded superhero animation landscape. Additionally, we'll delve into the WildCats toyline and the Super Nintendo game along with some of the other merchandise. And finally, we'll touch on the role of Image Comics in the broader context of the animation industry in the 1990s and what that meant for Savage Dragon, Spawn and Gen13. So join us as we explore the rise and fall of Jim Lee's WildCats, and how Nelvana was hoping for an X-Men competitor.