
Toward the Terra

In the dystopic future of Toward the Terra, a battered humanity has abandoned its ecologically devastated homeworld and relinquished control to computers. All new humans are spawned in test tubes, delivered to randomly selected couples, and then raised to age 14. On their "Waking Day," they`re taken to space stations where their memories are erased and they become blank slates suitable for training as good, obedient citizens. But sometimes a Waking child develops psychic powers. These psychics, called Mu, can fight off mental conditioning and are considered a threat to the reverentially praised "SD System," which rules human life. If they can escape summary execution--not likely, since Mu usually have weak or damaged bodies to balance out their overdeveloped brains--they may come to live in a community apart from regular humans. The Mu, unlike normals, are aware they aren`t living on Earth, and they long to return "home." Jomy Shin, a 14-year-old who has no idea he`s about to be hunted by humans and embraced by the Mu, is an exception to the rule. He has a strong young body as well as a strong young mind, and despite his horror and loathing of the Mu, he becomes their chosen leader. They`ll certainly need someone of his mental and physical power to combat humanity`s new leader, an exceptional boy who is controlled by humankind`s computers, but still remains independent enough to ask the significant question, "If the computers` system is perfect and in complete control, why is it still permitting Mu to be born?"

  • Terra e...
  • Terra e... (2007)
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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials April 1980 December 2007 3
Season 1 April 2007 September 2007 24
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Unassigned Episodes 27
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 April 2007 September 2007 24
Unassigned Episodes 3

No actors for this record.

Name Number of Episodes Dates
Hideo Onchi 1 04/26/1980

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Every Anime Series Seen to Completion in Chronological Order

1 236 WatchTillTandava

Will include all anime series and series only (anime films are included on my general film list with live action and cartoons), whether TV, OVA/OAD, or ONA. Only series seen through to completion or at least one full season of (for the few I decided not to watch further) will be included.

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