25-year-old Tsunomori Honoka has grown out of “a love supreme” and decided to get married. To create memories of her bachelorette days, she travels to Taipei, a city which blends old traditions with modern culture, with her friends Haruko and Kaho. The first two nights are exciting. But on the third day, Honoka is unable to continue after suffering from food poisoning. She and her friends go their separate ways, and she heads to a cafe in a market alone. At the cafe, Honoka encounters Ameku Makoto who is running around to avoid a big man. She is asked by Makoto to pretend that they are a couple in order to shake off the man. One thing leads to another, and she ends up playing lovers with Makoto for just one night.
25歳の角森ほのかは "恋愛至上主義 "を卒業し、結婚を決意した。独身時代の思い出を作ろうと、友人の春子、夏帆と古い伝統と現代文化が融合した街、台北を訪れる。最初の2泊は刺激的だった。しかし3日目、ほのかは食中毒にかかり、続けられなくなってしまう。ほのかは友人たちと別行動をとり、ひとり市場のカフェに向かう。そのカフェで穂乃花は、大男を避けて走り回る雨久真琴に出会う。真琴から、男を振り切るためにカップルのふりをしてほしいと頼まれる。あることがきっかけで、ほのかは誠と一晩だけ恋人ごっこをすることになる。