Today more than ever, technology allows anyone to track us everywhere. Cameras, smart cards mobile, social network, it has become almost impossible to go unnoticed! But this is just the beginning. Scientists, engineers and manufacturers are developing new tools to look at us more closely, and even more discretely.
Could we ever anticipate or prevent the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy? Will we ever be able to understand what a patient in a coma feels? Is there a 'neural code' which, like the genetic code, is unique to each individual?
With the increase of the population, resource depletion and endless nuclear disasters, the future of humanity on Earth is now being questioned. Where to go? The vast and infinite space appears as evidence to us. But which economic, physiological and technological pressures should men overcome to achieve this goal? And once up there, where to get energy?
For three decades, medicine intervenes increasingly in human reproduction. Today, infertility, often seen as a curse by the couples concerned, is no longer inevitable. But is it possible to go further in medically assisted procreation? Will it be possible to control invitro all stages of the conception, from the creation of embryos to birth?
Are we alone in the universe? An international scientific investigation, this documentary film allows us to meet the scientists who track the existence of alien life form. Is there, somewhere, another intelligent civilization with which we could communicate one day?
We are living increasingly old and we keep get- ting 6 hours of life expectancy on average every day. Will the lifespan be increasing limitless? Can science stretch the limits of the human body to immortality? Born in the 1990s, the longevity science is still relatively young and booming. Close discoveries may revolutionize our lives.
Mars is about to be colonized. Our robots are already there, to recognize and prepare the ground. So when will it be humans' turn? Since 1960, 47 missions to the Red Planet have been programmed. Last achieved: the Curiosity project. The scientific community is unanimous: Mars is the new frontier of life. Is there still water in liquid form in the basement? Can it house life?
Nanotechnologies, one of the most promising areas of research today: mastery of the infinitely small. In the industry, researchers are discovering materials more than 100 times stronger than steel, they create outstanding electrical conductors, self- cleaning or depolluting substances. Applied to hu- mans, they could revolutionize medicine and the control of the human body.
Since the end of the Cold War, the infantry has become a constantly evolving tool within Western armies, along with the reduction of pharaonic weaponry projects and increased use of Special Forces with different equipment. Each country explores different solutions whether biological, mechanical, or computer, to change the nature of man and make them less vulnerable and more powerful.
Exploring and harvesting asteroids' resources by using robotic spacecraft is no longer a fantasy: indeed, a brand new space age is starting. In a couple of years, landing on an asteroid to extract its abundant raw materials and bring it back to Earth to supply industries on land will be a reality. But what would it take?