The story begins where it left off with; Kyouichi, Komaki and Yuuya left incapacitated by the mysterious man with lightning powers. Tatsuma was able to stop his attack but before anything else could happen he notices some music in the background and it's seems to be coming from the person he was really after. It turns out that the person who's the cause of all the crow incidents is Ryouichi, the lead guitarist of a band known as "CROW" and it's his partner, Raito who is trying to stop him.
Will Raito be able to save his friends heart from being consumed by evil?
La historia comienza donde lo dejó; Kyouichi, Komaki y Yuuya se fueron incapacitados por el misterioso hombre con poderes de rayo. Tatsuma pudo detener su ataque, pero antes de que pudiera pasar algo más, nota algo de música de fondo y parece que proviene de la persona que realmente buscaba. Resulta que la persona que es la causa de todos los incidentes del cuervo es Ryouichi, el guitarrista principal de una banda conocida como "CROW" y es su compañero, Raito, quien está tratando de detenerlo. ¿Podrá Raito salvar el corazón de su amigo de ser consumido por el mal?