A new docu-reality show from Channel 24, which follows Shai Mika, Aviva Tavori, Sharon Peri, Simcha Gueta and Anna Zak, on their way to becoming singers
Simcha and Sharon arrive for the first time in their lives to a recording studio and discover the cruel reality there. Simcha breaks down in the middle of the recording of a moving song, and Sharon finds it difficult to cope with Adi's truth and toughness
Sharon is hosting the sports program of Slutzky and Dominguez, who are trying to convince her to run away from the program as long as she can. Shai Mika and Anna come together to record a recording at Adi Leon's studio and soon discover who is the best singer among them
Simcha, who broke the recording of a song for the song "Veem Preda ואם פרידה" reveals the final result to the family. Aviva, who is having trouble choosing her kabar, comes to Adi Leon to record the song and receives a response that surprises her very much