Having been saved by Emperor Dong Hua from a vicious monster attack, Princess of Qingqiu, Bai Fengjiu becomes immensely indebted to him. To repay him, Fengjiu follows Donghua around on his adventures to eliminate evil but unwittingly realizes that her feelings of gratitude towards him has turned to romantic. However, after a hundred thousand years of fighting evil, Donghua has long forgotten the meaning of “love". To protect Fengjiu, Dong Hua sends her to the human world but accidentally causes the death of Fengjiu’s friend. Fengjiu enters the dream of Ah Lan Ruo to search for the fruit that will be able to resurrect her friend. However, Fengjiu ends up getting trapped in the dream. Dong Hua comes to rescue, and realizes he has fallen in love with Fengjiu…
- San Sheng San Shi Zhen Shang Shu
- Three Lives, Three Worlds, The Pillow Book
- The Pillow Book
青丘国少女凤九(迪丽热巴 饰)在山间修行时被一头妖兽攻击,危急时刻被路过的天国帝君东华(高伟光 饰)所救,从此铭记在心。为报恩凤九执意跟随东华与作乱世间的妖君渺落战斗。在相处中她发现自己的报恩之情已转化为爱慕之意。但东华在千百年与邪恶的斗争中,已经忘却了“情爱”二字。为 保护凤九安全,东华将她送到人间,却不幸令朋友为保护她而死。凤九为找到传说中能起死复生的仙果,进入翼族公主阿兰若的幻梦之境,重历阿兰若的坎坷一生。东华历经艰辛救出凤九,发现自己已爱上了她。此时东华重伤发作,自觉命不久矣,只能将对凤九的爱埋在心底,把对她的思念写成枕上之书。本已心灰意冷的凤九发现了枕上书,感悟到东华对自己深沉的感情,于是毅然赶赴战场,燃烧生命的力量,战胜强敌,帮助东华维护了世间和平。最终正义战胜邪恶,光明战胜黑暗,东华与凤九得以有情人终成眷属。
천족과 신선들 사이에서 일어나는 사건들을 그린 로맨스 판타지 드라마
Bai Feng Jiu, princesse de Qing Qiu, est la seule renarde à neuf queues du royaume, ce qui fait d'elle une personne choyée par tous.
Un jour, alors que Feng Jiu se trouve dans les montagnes, elle est attaquée par une bête mais est sauvée in extremis par l'Empereur des Cieux, Dong Hua. Pour rembourser sa dette, Feng Jiu décide de suivre Dong Hua dans le Palais Céleste en tant que serveuse.
Mais alors qu'elle reste aux côtés de Dong Hua, elle tombe alors de plus en plus amoureuse de lui, mais ce dernier a déjà tout oublié de l'amour.
- Three Lives, Three Worlds, The Pillow Book
- The Pillow Book