As they burned the dead bodies and village, they went to the forest. Half-way later, Lu Boshe was proud to meet both of them, Lu Boshe didn't actually notice about what happen to his people but chasing them as fast. Chen Gong felt guilty from Cao Cao's killing, but Cao Cao led no choice but to pierce his own Uncle Lu Boshe. Chen Gong started to shocked from what Cao Cao has done, Chen Gong said to Cao Cao, "You cruel! For what you kill your own bloodline Uncle for!". Cao Cao mind was filled with killing stress and he think's that it was the only best way to leave the sadness for his Uncle behind as he said, "If the world rather let me down than I let the world down". Cao Cao later kill his Uncle's donkey for a dinner, Chen Gong keep an eye on Cao Cao without a words. Cao Cao, took the grass and close over Lu Boshe to burn, but it suddenly rain. Cao Cao told Chen Gong to carry the donkey while Cao Cao carry his Uncle inside the cottage.
조조는 여백사 일가를 오해해 모두 죽이고 마침 조조를 대접하기 위해 술을 사가지고 돌아오던 여백사마저 죽여 버린다. 아버지의 결의형제를 죽이고 죄책감조차 느끼지 않는 조조를 보고 진궁은 그 잔인함에 놀라 조조를 떠난다. 고향에 돌아온 조조는 군을 일으키고 각지의 열사를 불러 모은다. 원소를 우두머리로 한 18로 제후가 동맹군을 일으키고 유비 삼형제는 의기충천하여 가담하지만 동맹군 진영 입구에서부터 모욕을 당한다.
曹操與陳宮都上了沿途郡縣的通緝令,前途叵測。 傍晚,二人投宿山林深處的一處宅院,主人正是曹操父親的結義兄弟呂伯奢。 呂公對曹操二人的到來熱情高漲,堅持冒險出山換酒招待他們。 呂公離去不久,曹操與陳宮突然聽到門外傳來家僕吆喝、磨刀之聲。 曹操斷定是呂伯奢想圖財害命。 二人衝出斬殺所有家僕,方才發現誤殺好人。 於是二人倉皇奔逃,路遇換酒歸來的呂公。 曹操出人意料地斬殺老人,陳宮極為震驚,認為曹操不仁不義,終於離他而去。 回鄉後的曹操招兵買馬,響應袁紹的討董義舉。 十八鎮諸侯齊聚一堂,劉關張三兄弟受到冷落與嘲諷。 而此時,董卓屬將華雄已臨城下。