Weil Daisy nicht ganz auf dem Posten ist, springt die Diesellok für sie ein. Aber die anderen Maschinen sind nicht gerade begeistert davon, denn Daisys Vertretung ist alles andere als höflich. Als die Diesel die anderen Loks schwer beleidigt, wollen sie dem Rüpel eine Lektion erteilen..
Stepney is very happy with his visit to the Fat Controller's railway. But one day, whilst waiting at a signal, a cricket team's "one and only ball" accidentally falls into one of his trucks. And when he steams away, Caroline the cranky old car, driven by her Master, gives chase to try and retrieve the ball!
As Stepney's driver and fireman watch a game of cricket, a player hits the ball so hard it lands in one of Stepney's trucks. Therefore, the players chase Stepney in their old car, Caroline, to get their ball back. His driver and fireman completely misunderstand the players' message.