IT'S CHRISTMAS! Which means it’s time to play and review Christmas games. VR Christmas games to be precise, because after all, every Christmas VR game is an absolute nightmare. I go back to my roots and try a load of Virtual Reality games about Christmas, all from Steam. No not Boneworks… Maybe next time. It occurred to me that every Christmas video game I had ever played was pretty bad, so I thought, would VR Christmas games be any worse? So it was decreed. I would play and review every virtual reality Christmas game on steam. And oh boy, there were more games than I thought. Virtual Reality is really taking off again, and since it’s Christmas I wanted to do some special VR reviews with my Index. I hope in the new year to review the newer, more specific games that are coming out, but honestly, I really enjoy just reviewing as many VR games as possible in one go. As I say at the end, although I am am focusing on the downsides of these virtual reality games, making any game, espec