Hey guys! I tried my hand at making a video. It was a lot more work than I thought, but I want to make them better. Tell me what you think of the video, should I make more?
Sorry the video ratio is a bit off. tried to fix it, but no luck :/ Bet you didn't know I was a twin.
Bet you didn't know I am an eagle scout.
The epic story returns
Why were the comics coming out slow this month? This is why. I actually wanted to make this a comic when I first got the idea, but I thought it would be too wordy and boring. So I scrapped the idea, but when I started making videos I was like, 'Hey, I can do a v i d e o!!'
Are any of these normal for an 18 year old to do?? Do you do any of these?
New microphone, yeah
Let's all agree to treat people like people.
High School was....okay
Kids are so gullible
Viva la France! So as you're watching these, I'll be in France eating cheese. I spent a really long time making these, so if you wanna share it, that's cool
I had to go to speech therapy class in elementary school. I remember one exercise was I had to say 'raindrop' a bunch of times. Then the speech therapy turned into a reading comprehension class so that was fun.
Most of the tweets would look like this: 'rt5e4hw[3s;a'rj3;h12[2-'';' which would probably get like 1 or 2 retweetes
We got a while before we run out of EVERYTHING don't worry.
This is not a sponsored video by the way I just really love Bashas'. Another thing was that Bashas' was everywhere, they just kept building and building them. They became everyone's go-to grocery store, but sadly they've had to close down a lot of the stores and now I go to Frys :(
Microwaves haven't changed at all the past 200 years it's time for it to change
Wow, we're already a week into this. I found out about these lil guys because I had to do a report on an endangered animal (twice (I lost my first report so I had to do it again)) They live in Australia, and they cant retract their necks and their endangered.
What are you talking about I'll be a gr8 dad. Maybe even a gr9 dad.
Having a twin means you have a BFF forever.
Well there go my dreams of becoming a reader for audio books. I wish I could say this was a long time ago and that's why I was terrible at reading. but no. This was only a year ago.
He has a 'voice' that our family gives him. You can see it in the 'things that I do that adults probably don't do' video
I never liked riddles that I didn't get right.
Just one mans unpopular opinion
Maybe I can get a snow globe in France
If we don't count the stitches I got from getting my wisdom teeth pulled, then I am 100% stitch free. And all my bones have stayed in tact, thanks bones.
I want to talk about the Power Rangers you see, ok, even as I kid, I knew the fighting looked fake, everything was made of plastic and the writing even as a kid I felt like something about it was off. And for ninja turtles ok when ever it would play on the saturday morning cartoons my older brother would say, 'Ninja Turtles??? REALLY??' And that feeling kinda passed down to me and so that's why I didn't like it Also also also We got an awesome N64 based on pod racing so that's a plus.
Should I do anymore videos about France? Or....what do you think?
Come visit the wondrous land that most resembles the temperature of hell
You might be dumb, but probably not as dumb as your great-great-great grandpa.
Here's another super short video to keep you quenched until the next one.
Got myself really educated about physical activities in that class
Here's some tricks for anyone out there who's still trick or treating! You don't even need to go to the rich people neighborhood!
'I need to make a super short video!' (Makes a 4 minute long video) Also be sure to stick around because I answer 2 questions/make a tutorial.
Gather around my children and hear the exciting stories about talking animals created by one man (who was the worlds first furry.)
Sorry if you don't care about this important issue at all. Cool cat has not been very exquisite.
Does Pi = 4? Have we gotten the whole Pi thing wrong? I don't know. I wanted to try out my editing skills so I made this video. It's only 90 seconds long, but it too like three days to make. Thanks for watching!
I'm back! Here's a video about tumblr and messages
Finally done! It's cool to see how much I've improved in the past 3.5 years. There were a lot of things I didn't know about paint tools sai back then. I didn't even know about the stabilizer, or the magic wand tool. Anyway, thanks for watching!
It's pretty weird. This is the longest video I've ever made (so far) I worked really hard on it, I hope you like it! If any of the ASMR channels are watching, thanks for making content for me to talk about!
Here's about 100,000 sprinkles (rounded up) THANKS A TON YOU GUYS!!
notice me or something
I was a sandwich ARTIST, okay? Because subways are everywhere, there's probably someone watching this who used to or is working at subway right now. How is it? I thought it was an okay job.
Here's part two of the subway stories. If any of you have an annoying customer story, tell me in the comments! I want to read them!
"Meh" James says.
Can you believe I'm not a teenager anymore? wow. Thanks everyone for watching my videos!
Finally it's done!! Hope you guys like my video!!
Or at least, it's the very first comic I REMEMBER making. Turns out I've been obsessed with drawing comics since I was little. I don't know why my mom didn't get help.
NOW I GET IT! Thanks to everyone who redrew the comic! I had a really fun time reading all of them!
I didn't really talk about this in the video, but you guys should go vegan! (for a week) Just to see what all the hypes about. come on, do it. Supposedly, veganism does do wonders on the body like clearer skin. Have you ever seen a vegan with gross skin? (I haven't)
If anything I put on TOO MANY sprinkles haha. Thanks a ton you guys!! I wrote all of your names on each and every sprinkle but it didn't show up in the video :/ I'm wondering what I should do if I ever hit a million. Because if I did this again it would look kinda the same but with 300,000 more sprinkles. Oh well, I'll think of something, THANKS AGAIN :)
I had such an awesome time at Vidcon and meeting all the fans that could make it! And thanks Jordan for telling the security guard I was cool
Here's a story about how I met Jacksfilms in an elevator while my hand was bleeding. Sorry I didn't shake your hand Jack I hope you understand. Okay this is the last video where I talk about vidcon (until next year)
Everyone come meet my (awesome) roommates. See this is why you should just be nice to everyone you meet because you never know who could have a million subscribers and make a video about you. If you're living with roommates right now, stop what you're doing and go do the dishes.
Thank you all so much!! here's a short bio about me and how I started. It's been an awesome four years making content. Let's hope the next four are just as good! Also, I forgot to mention this in the video, but wear your seatbelt
The whole point of a piñata is that it breaks easily. if you made an indestructible one, you did something wrong. They should make more things out of paper mache. Also, wear your seat belt.
Hopefully you'll have a better time getting a job than I did. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to finally be hired. Thanks for watching!
Here we look into the mind of a 12-15 year old James and see how much his humor hasn't changed. If we count the comics that I made when I was 12, then I've been making comics for 8 years. I hope you enjoyed the never before seen comics! Also, thanks T.J for being in a video.
Were you part of the 21% of people who didn't enjoy the science fair? I was. If you liked it, great. If you never did it, (lucky) let me tell you why I didn't like it.
Drawing's hard especially when you don't have a good memory.
Overall, I'm glad I did cub scouts. I don't know if you could say that I learned anything, but I'm glad I did it.
Massive props to anyone who works in a haunted house. Just doing it for one night was enough emotional trauma for me to make a video about it. How far you you go to scare someone?
Hamsters are great because they teach you about death at a young age. Man all this talk about hamsters makes me want to get some more. Thanks for watching, I'll miss you Bro-dents!
Don't worry, I don't plagiarize stuff I put on the internet, okay? I've only ever plagiarize homework assignments, ok I have morals. Remember, don't plagiarize...but if you do, don't forget to cнange тнe ғonт and тнe тeхт ѕιze so it doesn't look like you copied a website.
No hard feelings, 7th graders? I don't actually think you're the worst. (thanks for watching by the way, you're cool) Remember to turn in your homework and I'll see you next month :0 (around 4:20 (lol) something flashes up for one frame and I didn't catch it untill just now, but just-just ignore it ok)
Thanks for two million guys! I can't think of what to write in the description I just want to post this video. Merry C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶m̶a̶s̶ New Years.
Were back with another exciting chapter of my life. Sooubway Part three! Even with three of these videos, there are still some stories that I left out. (so maybe a part 4 will come out next year ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The lesson I want you to take from these videos is be nice to fast food and retail employees.
Hello people reading the description. (I don't really know what to put here, its just a q and a video)
Peeing. We all do it. Sometimes we do it at the wrong time. I'm not perfect. I hope this doesn't change the way you look at me.
We're back again drawing some cool new Pokemon.
..............maybe I'm still kinda new to this fame and publicity thing, (and I hope I don't regret saying this) but don't be afraid to talk to me, I'm a p chill dude,. I take my shirt off whenever I eat pasta so I don't spill anything on my shirt. It's smart if you think about it.
How about this crazy weather amiright? The sun's been in the sky for HOURS! First impressions are very important, but you can't make a bad first impression, if you never make a first impression.
You will be missed Harry. I feel like your death was partly my fault. r.i.p in peace (pieces).
There's a reason books don't have two authors.
If you're a teacher and you're reading this I just want to say, good job and you should tell all of your students to subscribe.
(also happy birthday to me) (and happy mothers day, I guess you can have this day too, whatever)
Finally it's out! Poetry was a fun class. I learned about Haikus.
I'm going to be attending alot of conventions/meetups soon, so if we do meet, it's ok that you're awkward, I'm awkward too. :^)
We're good drawers.
Hahaha! Boats?!? Neopets?!? My mom telling me to kick off my shoes so I don't drown as fast?!!?!?!?
Random = Funny (?) lol XD rofl roflcopter lmao (dabs) Sorry I don't know what to put here
How about that 'The odd ones is out' person, am I right?
G'day mates, I'm 'ere drawing some Aussie phrases with my mate Jazza, mate.
Gather around once again my children and hear the somewhat exciting stories about talking animals.
Have you ever wondered what I did in school? Well let me just tell you the good parts.
I was drawing like Picasso when I was 7 years old.
Why do people make weird videos and just let everyone in the world see them??
Thanks for an amazing year!! Merry Christmas!! Do you think Rudolph is weird?
hOI guis!!1! Thx 4 wathcing my vid abuot my horibal speling! AS u can c im vewy gud at spelin now (heart emoji) Member 2 wore ur setblts!
If I spend $40 on jeans I expect it to last for the rest of my life. My belt is a shoe-lace.
Thanks for raising me mom! You made me like this.
I don't think I've ever converted to anything or bought something from someone knocking on my door.
Thanks for the memories PBS. You were there even though I had no money.
Signed copies are SOLD OUT (sorry.)
Big shout-out to all the amazing animators who worked on this MAP. Check out everyone who worked on this down below.
:)...just don't think about it too much
new phone who dis?
Monopoly, ruining friendships since 1935
If you need a cool Halloween costume idea, then I got some spooky monsters you should definitely not dress up as. Happy Halloween!
How many cats do you need to have before you're known as the 'crazy cat lady?'
It's beginning to sound a lot like Christmas
Here are some activities done regularly in my leisure time for pleasure. Thanks for 10 million!
Thank you all for the support throughout the years! I'm incredibly lucky that I'm able to do what I love for a living, and its all thanks to you for supporting me! ❤
Everyone was so afraid of spiders when what we should have been fearing is bees.
I mean, I HAD to make a video about a bunch of YouTubers fighting in a hungergames like battle for the chance to win 33k, right?
I sure am glad I never have to talk to strangers :^)
If this video does well I will make a sequel to it because I know you will like it and Im unoriginal :)
You fell for my scam, you actually clicked the video.
Remember to like and Sooubscribe
Are you an MMMM Candy bar, because you're so sweet ????????????
Are you a campfire because you’re smoking hot.
I hope these videos aren’t CONVENTIONal to you
When I was 16 I started making content for the internet through a web-comic called TheOdd1sOut. Now 8 years later I decided to animate some of the ones I liked the most. If you like this series and want to see more let me know by giving this video a like. If you hated this video, don't worry, a more traditional Odd1s video is already in the works. Hope you have a good day :)
My Gif is the best Beach
It's a great Christmas Present that you don't have to pay for!! :)
Oh yeah, I’m a good person B)
Hey if you're reading this, thanks for checking out the description. Sorry that I've been gone for awhile, but don't worry I've still been working hard. Pretty soon (and I mean this as 'odd1sout' amount of soon) I'll be dropping big news. It's the biggest news I've ever dropped. I can't wait until I'm allowed to talk about it! Thanks again for reading and have a day!!!
Happy Mothers day #shorts
Labels man...#shorts
Lobster Mobster are always snappy #shorts
Dissecting a frog is heartbreaking #shorts
Being in my first serious relationship has had its ups and downs, but it's been really nice and makes me happy :)
Iguana be your Valentine #shorts
Oh you like cartoons? Name every single animation.
"Good morning, welcome to taxes and backpain" ~Life on your 21st birthday
I. am. writing. a. description. for. my. inspiration. video. right. now....with both hands.
With things starting to open back up, I'm excited to see you all again!!
After YEARS of work I’m finally allowed to share what we’ve been cooking up! Collaborating with so many amazing people has been a dream come true and I hope you all enjoy the show later this year!
In case you missed it, I did a thing, which was boxing at Creator Clash on my birthday. It went super well!!
Sometimes God lets the angels design the creatures. #shorts
Watch Oddballs on October 7th!! You can watch James, a bubble-shaped boy, his best friends Max, a talking crocodile, and Echo, a girl who claims to be from the future, learn life's toughest lessons...the odd way.
Super excited for you all to see what the teams been cooking up for the last two years!
The first season of Oddballs is now streaming on Netflix! Join James and Max in their quest for perfect toast
Come watch my mourning routine! ???? #shorts
The Internet is so le epic (me gusta)
Just wanted to say thanks for watching and I hope you gets tons or presents! #shorts
Gambling is a risk, you either win big or lose everything, but if you buy my merch you always win :-)
God said unto Adam, "Behold I have taketh your rib and blessed unto you a Waifu" (Gen 2:22)
Why are adults (me) watching a preschool show about a family of cartoon dogs? To get a better understanding I watched every Bluey episode and then made a video about it.
New Death video dropping next week! Something new I hope you guys like it! Been working on this one for a couple months!
Whats better than this? Just immortal, etherial entities being dudes.
I think more people read the comments than they do video descriptions.
Animating before computers was extra hard because they didn't have the 'animate' button.
YouTube Rewinds? Ah, those were hot… those were hot...
Check your Fortnite stats. Did you get any eliminations from Gator_Guy_333? (you probably did)
Thank you for 10 years!!
When Adobe goes rogue.
Oh you like animation? Name every Animation.