Für Nike stehen viele Pflichten und noch sehr viel mehr Brautunterricht ins Haus. Livi wird schnell klar, dass seine Braut damit überfordert ist, und entführt sie zu einem freien Tag auf dem Stadtfest. Allerdings steht den beiden noch Familienbesuch ins Haus.
One day, out of nowhere, Livi's uncle Bardwin (Bard) returns home. Although he once supported Livi as prime minister, Livi shows nothing but resentment towards him. Bard, for his part, also toys with Livi and makes aggressive advances on Nike. What was the real reason for Bard's return?
Livius emmène princesse Nike dans une fête populaire dans le but de la distraire. Le retour imprévu au palais de Baldwin, un parent de Livius, va venir chambouler la relation entre le jeune roi et le princesse...
One day, out of nowhere, Livi's uncle Bardwin (Bard) returns home. Although he once supported Livi as prime minister, Livi shows nothing but resentment towards him. Bard, for his part, also toys with Livi and makes aggressive advances on Nike. What was the real reason for Bard's return?