Nike ist im Palast des Sonnenkönigs eingetroffen. Dort muss sie zu ihrer Überraschung feststellen, dass der Herrscher über die Welt ein Kind ist. Ein rotzfreches noch obendrein.
Nike meets Livius I (Livi). Livi knows that Nike has the power to summmon rain, and orders her to make it rain for him. Nike is angered by his selfishness, but it turns out he has another reason for wanting to see the rain. Meanwhile, enemy forces make an attempt on Livi's life.
La princesse Nike fait connaissance avec le roi Soleil qui lui demande de faire tomber la pluie. La jeune fille lui dit que pour cela, il doit lui montrer la beauté du monde..
Nike meets Livius I (Livi). Livi knows that Nike has the power to summmon rain, and orders her to make it rain for him. Nike is angered by his selfishness, but it turns out he has another reason for wanting to see the rain. Meanwhile, enemy forces make an attempt on Livi's life.