Jun Nagase is an idealistic and upbeat new student teacher at Majima Academy assigned to her senior's class, Miss Nikaidō, Keima's teacher. Jun is at first bewildered that Keima is playing video games in class and nobody minds about it but after the teachers tell her the problems they have to deal with him, Jun believes Keima is a problem child and wants to help him. She goes to talk to him but gets scared looking into his eyes and leaves. Convinced that Keima is actually lonely, she resolves to help him open up which at the same time a spirit enters her body. When Keima and Elsie learns about Jun's spirit, Keima finds his next target difficult as making of a teacher falling in love in games takes too much time as teachers never fall in love with their students as they only see them as their students only. Thus in order to make Jun fall in love with him, he has to make Jun see him as her equal in a short amount of time. As Keima leaves school to figure out his plan, he is caught by Jun who thinks he's ditching school. After dragging him to have lunch with her and talking about her idol, the late pro wrestler Jumbo Tsuruma, Jun tell Keima to talk about his problems to her. However Keima does not like this unprecedent event since it will take too long for him to capture Jun's heart.
어느덧 찾아온 교육 실습생들의 계절. 그리고 케이마네 반에 오게 된 실습생은 프로레슬링을 아주 좋아하고 활기에 가득찬! 교사에 대한 꿈과 희망이 넘쳐나는 나가세 쥰 이었다. 그러한 그녀의 눈에 띈 것은 수업은 전혀 상관하지 않고 게임에 몰두하고 있는 문제아 (...물론 케이마). 이미 학교에선 포기한 케이마 였지만, 쥰은 그 가득찬 의욕으로 케이마를 구제해내려고 하는데...