After learning there are still 60,000 spirits to be captured before his contract is finish, Keima goes into a depression, not helping matters when his classmate the cheerful Chihiro Kosaka makes fun of him. Despite telling Elsie he doesn't care what people say about him, he is still affected by Chihiro's words. Suddenly, Elsie detects a spirit and to Keima's horror, it's inside Chihiro. Keima refuses to help her since he's still angry on what she said and the fact she's very average and doesn't have any unique traits that can help him figure her out. However, they watch her confessing to a boy, only to see her get rejected and runaway crying. The next day, Keima, feeling sorry for Chihiro, decides to console her over her rejection but to his anger, Chihiro is back to her old self as she reveals she has been confessing and getting rejected to any boy she fancies many times. Keima scolds Chihiro for playing around with love but she strikes back with his obsession with games and his anti-social attitude which strikes a deep cord within him. Even more depressed, Keima locks himself in his room for days until he does come back to school but refusing to speak with anyone. Worried about him, Ayumi visits Keima who has fainted from not eating.
ユーウツな月曜日の朝、桂馬の気分をさらに悪化させたのは、ちひろの強烈な一言。現実(リアル)なんて気にしない桂馬でもちょっと(?)凹んだもよう。それでも所詮モブキャラだ!とみないフリをしてると…、まさかの駆け魂が憑いている! しかも、ちひろは今までにない最悪の条件を持っていて……。ごくふつ~の女の子、一番苦手な「現実(リアル)女」中の「現実(リアル)女」に桂馬はどう打って出る?
우울한 월요일 아침. 케이마의 기분을 더더욱 악화 시킨건 치히로의 강력한 한마디였다. '현실의 여자따윈 상관없다' 며 자부해온 케이마조차 침울해질수 밖에 없는 상황. 하지만 그래봤자 치히로는 '배경속에나 나올법한 캐릭터' 로 치부하며 애써 무시해온 케이마였지만, 이럴수가..! 카케다마가 이번엔 치히로에게 달라 붙고 말았다. 게다가 치히로는 지금까지는 없었던 최악의 조건마저 가지고 있었는데...!