Woody is being lazy and napping while the ants and grasshoppers are gathering food for the winter. He awakens, under a blanket of snow, to find that both winter and a hungry wolf are knocking at his door. The wolf has intentions of eating Woody...but Woody also has the same thoughts regarding the wolf.
Pica-Pau e um lobo tentam um cozinhar o outro. O episodio é parecido com Pantry Panic (Pânico na Cozinha). No final, tudo era um sonho do Pica-Pau.
Woody est paresseux et fait la sieste pendant que les fourmis et les sauterelles ramassent de la nourriture pour l’hiver. Il se réveille, sous un manteau de neige, pour constater que l’hiver et un loup affamé frappent à sa porte. Le loup a l’intention de manger Woody... mais Woody a aussi les mêmes pensées concernant le loup.