Home / Series / The Way of the Master / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 13

Hollywood Be Thy Name

In the beginning Hollywood said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And there were cameras. And the spirit of Hollywood moved across the face of the earth. Hollywood created. It picked up unknowns from the soil of humanity and breathed into them the life of celebrity-a golden image, whose sole purpose was to bring in big money at the box office. But something went terribly wrong. In 1968 a serpent appeared in the garden. Movies became filled with blasphemy, adultery, and violence. The bright light that once was became a gross darkness, and Hollywood began to suffer the ultimate delusion of grandeur. Enthroning itself as God, it began to spout blasphemy against the heavens and became a law to itself. Hollywood answered to no one-not even God. So it believed.
