Home / Series / The Video Diaries of Rifleman Harris / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 6

Episode Six

Diary two of the Turkish era sees us readjusting after the sickening injury to Daragh O'Malley's cheek bone. Almost reluctantly the unit plods through the re-arranged schedule to complete the remnants of Mission (a Harris favourite) and detonate the opening salvos of Sharpe's Siege. The luxurious Antalya Sheraton made it easy to forget our troubles with satellite telly, endless choices of food and drink and other western conveniences. Something we were not that used to on-tour with Sharpe over the years. Eventually Daragh recovers; returns to work and proceedings on set gain an air of normality again. All in time for us to up sticks and move both down the coast and back in time to shoot in a little town on the way to the Middle East.

  • Created August 23, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 23, 2020 by
    Administrator admin