Home / Series / The Untouchables / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 13

The Big Train (2)

Movie: ""The Alcatraz Express"" (continued) Sunday, August 19, 1934. At 2:30 a.m., the Big Train is backed into the prison yard of the State Pen in Atlanta. 54 hardened criminals, including Al Capone and Tony Diaz, are handcuffed and loaded onto the train. On board are prison guards armed with machine-guns. Once seated, the prisoners are additionally given leg shackles and told to put them on. Then, at 5:00 a.m., the Big Train pulls out-- right on schedule. Ness and his men fly to Salt Lake City, Utah, and get there 3:00 p.m.; they head straight to the Lone Eagle Flying Service. One of Nitti's boys, Victor Seth Gordon, carrying 300 grand in a suitcase, has just hired Fred Noonan to put his plane ""on hold"" until the 22nd, and then fly a client to Mexico; oddly enough, Seth Gordon never told Noonan to keep his mouth shut-- when Ness and Lee Hobson pose as potential customers, Noonan tells them all about the trip to Mexico, what the guy who hired him (""Mr. Green"") looks like, the ti

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  • Originally Aired January 12, 1961
  • Runtime 50 minutes
  • Network ABC (US)
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Created February 12, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified January 25, 2023 by
Name Type Role
William Spier Writer
Neville Brand Guest Star
James Westerfield Guest Star
Paul Bruce Guest Star
Lewis Charles Guest Star
Lalo Rios Guest Star
William Schallert Guest Star
Gavin MacLeod Guest Star
Richard Carlyle Guest Star Everett Lafferty
Eddie Firestone Guest Star
Russ Conway Guest Star
George Sawaya Guest Star
Charles Lane Guest Star
John Peyser Director