Passionate student Ryan gets an internship as an assistant director where he meets Jane, an AD with a unique ability to extinguish the fires of people's passion. Ryan's suffering is vented to this year's fellow trainees, including a couple consisting of account executive Bamee and editor Teh, Pah in the art department, and Pie in production.
As Ryan continues his training, however, he comes to find that P'Jane is kinder than people think, to the point that Ryan's heart sometimes skips a beat and it becomes his goal to win Jane's heart.
Ryan é um estudante que consegue um estágio onde Jane é um assistente de direção com uma habilidade única de acabar com o entusiasmo das pessoas. Conforme Ryan continua seu treinamento, ele descobre que Jane é mais gentil do que as pessoas pensam, a ponto de seu coração, às vezes, pular uma batida. Será que Ryan conquistará o coração de Jane?
- The Trainee
- The Trainee ฝึกงานเทอมนี้ รักพี่ได้มั้ย