A spaceship arrives in orbit around the Earth, containing the Momma, Emily and Elmer, members of a matriarchal society. Based on television signals, they believe that Earth is like a wild west film. Tim tracks the ship into orbit, and John and Elizabeth jaunt near to it to investigate. The Momma tells Elmer to go to Earth to get fresh food supplies. When the Ship stuns and captures Elizabeth, John jaunts back to the Lab. Elizabeth awakens, and is accepted as an equal by the Momma and Emily. On Earth, shoots a shopkeeper when he is collecting food. Tim intercepts police reports, and Stephen jaunts to the shop, using his telekinesis to heal the proprietor. Elmer finds a pub, treating it like a western saloon. Elizabeth discovers that Elmer must return to his place of arrival, where the doozlum pin is located; she also finds out that the Ship controls the people on board. John and Stephen jaunt to the pub, but are unable to transport Elmer away, and the police arrive.
Name | Type | Role | |
Roger Price | Writer | ||
Peter Davison | Guest Star | ||
Sandra Dickinson | Guest Star | ||
Margaret Burton | Guest Star | ||
Stan Woodward | Director |