Game show hosted by Joe Lycett in which the contestants decide how long they have to answer the questions. Contestants choose from a list of timers, and they try to give as many right answers as possible while the referee, the brilliant Alison Hammond, strains baked beans through a pair of tights, introduces three dogs using a stair lift and invites a mystery celebrity to dissolves bath bombs in lemonade.
Game show hosted by Joe Lycett in which the contestants decide how long they have to answer the questions. Referee Alison Hammond presides over a hilarious choice of timers that include a garden gnome used as a juicer and Natalie Cassidy playing a trumpet in a taxi. Can the contestants choose the longest timer and go on to win the holiday?
Game show hosted by Joe Lycett in which the contestants decide how long they have to answer the questions. Referee Alison Hammond presides over a hilarious choice of timers that include shaving a toy horse with a beard trimmer and Ainsley Harriott moving a ball the length of a football pitch using a leaf blower. Can the contestants choose the longest timer and go on to win a holiday?
Game show hosted by Joe Lycett in which the contestants decide how long they have to answer the questions. Referee Alison Hammond presides over a hilarious choice of timers that include butter being melted through a sieve using a hairdryer, a baby duck trying to climb some steps and a child's shoe being filled with custard using a turkey baster.
Game show hosted by Joe Lycett in which the contestants decide how long they have to answer the questions. Referee Alison Hammond presides over a hilarious choice of timers that include filling a cat bowl with milk squeezed through the fingers of a pair of rubber gloves, and Kimberley Wyatt doing a three-point turn in a tractor.
Comedian Joe Lycett hosts the comedy game show where contestants try to choose the longest studio 'timers' so they can answer as many questions as possible and win a dream holiday. Referee Alison Hammond makes sure all is fair and proper as she cracks two dozen eggs with a flip flop, pots chocolate balls on a snooker table by blowing through a straw and invites a mystery guest to vacuum up 5,000 frozen peas.
Funnyman Joe Lycett presents the comedy quiz where contestants hope to choose the longest 'timers' so they can answer as many questions as possible and win the dream holiday at the end of the show.
Funnyman Joe Lycett presents the comedy quiz where contestants hope to choose the longest 'timers' so they can answer as many questions as possible and win the dream holiday at the end of the show. Referee Alison Hammond keeps order as the entertaining chaos unfolds. Find out how long it takes to burst balloons by filling them with squirty cream, to roll a sprout the length of a cricket wicket using just your nose and for a mystery celebrity to peel themselves out of a wet suit.