"Walt Disney Presents Heroes of the American Frontier" (18:05), a solid documentary on Walt Disney's foray into television and his desire to educate and entertain youths with the informative and rather popular "Frontierland" installments devoted to past American heroes, such as this DVD set's two featured shows. "Elfego Baca" and ""Davy Crockett Walt's first and most significant anthology success, and "Texas John Slaughter", the longest-running "Walt Disney Presents" subject of its kind. With relevant clips from the series, archival photos and memorabilia, and comments from three interviewees (author/Disney aficionado Bill Cotter, film historian Frank Thompson, and UCLA history professor Stephen Aron), this piece provides nice context for the presented series, their production origins, and their effect on the public in the early days of television's acceptance. There's even a bit comparing "Crockett"'s depiction of Native Americans to the same in Disney's Pocahontas.