Za Codym a Zackem přijíždí kamarád Bob a Codyho přítelkyně Barbara. Cody se Barbaře chystá říct o svém vztahu s Bailey, ale nechce Barbaře ublížit a tak hledá nejrůznější kličky, jak se rozchodu vyhnout. To ovšem netuší, že Barbara má stejný problém. Také London čeká návštěva v podobě snobské kamarádky Chelsea, před kterou musí předstírat, že má na lodi k dispozici hned několik kajut a osobního sluhu.
Endlich Ferien! Zack, Cody und London freuen sich, dass ihre Freunde sie besuchen kommen. Cody plant, mit Barbara Schluss zu machen. Er ahnt nicht, dass die längst mit Bob zusammen ist. Währenddessen versucht London, ihrer Freundin Chelsea zu verheimlichen, dass sie das Leben einer 'normalen' Schülerin führt.
Chelsea, Barbara, and Bob visit the S.S Tipton. Cody is worried about how he's going to tell Barbara about his feelings for Bailey, but Barbara has to dump Cody because she and Bob are now dating. Right before Cody tells her about Bailey, Barbara tells him about her and Bob. To make Barbara jealous, Cody tells her that he and Bailey are also dating, thinking he can get away with the lie because Bailey is off the ship, but she returns early. London tells Chelsea that her room is her shoe closet, and that Woody is her servant. Woody agrees to help her because he has a crush on Chelsea. During movie night, Cody tries to make Barbara think that he and Bailey are dating, but Bailey eventually finds out. Cody apologizes and Bailey forgives him and says if he wanted her to be his pretend girlfriend, all he had to do is ask. To show it, she tickles him, wraps her arms around him, and finishes with a kiss on the cheek (causing Cody to faint) saying that would have made Barbara really jealous. Chelsea finds out that London is just a regular student, but instead of telling everyone, tells London she will tell everyone that London was "abducted by aliens" instead.
Bob, Barbara et Chelsea embarquent sur le bateau. London fait croire à Chelsea que sa chambre est son placard à chaussures et Woody son domestique. De son coté, Cody est jaloux de la relation entre Barbara et Bob, il va faire croire à celle-ci qu'il sort avec Bailey sans que cette dernière soit au courant.
Chelsea, Barbara y Bob de suben a bordo del S.S. Tipton. Cody está preocupado por tener que dejar a Barbara, pero está aún más preocupado cuando descubre que ella está saliendo con Bob. Mientras tanto, London tiene que convencer a Chelsea de que es la estudiante más mimada del barco.
Cody e Zack convidam seus amigos para encontrá-los no navio.