Union Trained Technicians I / Mind Match / Grandma's Potato Chowder / Hot Pursuits / Union Trained Technicians II / Bownty / Department Store / Inbred Brothers / Carter's Lineage / Union Trained Technicians III / Missy Von Kimmelman / Crazy Grandma Night
God is Dead / James Dixon: Guidance Counselor / Shot in the Head / Lunch with The State / Free Your Mind / Cindy Crawford / Coach Gunner / Old Fashioned Guy / On-air Personality / MTV Concert Promo / Super VIII / Old Fashioned Guy / Louie II
Best-Of collection VHS release
DVD bonus feature. Includes: Bownty, Coach Gunner, Crazy Grandma Night, Department Store, Dinner at Marky Mark's, Grunge Rock, Deputy Cow Benny, Inbred Brothers, Shot in the head, Super VIII, Thompkins, Union Trained Technicians I, Union Trained Technicians II, Union Trained Technicians III
DVD bonus feature. Includes: Krispy Pops, Muskrats, On Location, Cows, Previously On The State, Fashion Magazine, Tea & Sympathy, Swamp Thing
DVD bonus feature. Includes: Brendan, Disco Lady, Drag Dad, Porno Sex Lover, Real Estate Broker, State Estate, Crazy Geese, Golf Balls, One Minute with Bluie Dunard
Sketches that were cut from the Pilot episode. Spoons Beware of Sign Steven Hawking Standup Elevator III Carter's Lineage Hot Day (language)