Homer dostal od svého šéfa důležitý úkol - má dojet do Itálie a vyzvednout jeho nový vůz Lamborgoty Fasterosa, protože takto ušetří šéf tisíce na daních. A prý dokonce sebou může vzít celou rodinu. Kdo by odolal takovému výletu? Ale jak už to bývá, nic není tak jednoduché, jak se na počátku zdá...
Mr. Burns hat einen italienischen Sportwagen bestellt und schickt Homer und seine Familie nach Italien, um ihn dort abzuholen. Leider hat Homer mit dem Auto einen Unfall. Er beschließt, den Flitzer in einem kleinen Dorf reparieren zu lassen. Zu seinem Entsetzen ist dort Tingeltangel-Bob Bürgermeister - und der wollte Zeit seines Lebens Bart ermorden. Mittlerweile ist er aber ein toleranter Mensch. Doch dann passiert Lisa ein Fauxpas, und Tingeltangel-Bob rastet aus..
After being humiliated by Mrs. Krabappel's class, Mr. Burns finally decides to buy a new car, so he orders a Lamborgotti Fasterossa. He sends Homer and his family to the factory in Italy to pick the car up. The family takes a tour of Italy in the new car, but an accident with the car and a cheese truck has the family pushing the car into the town of Salsiccia. They find out that only one person in the town speaks English and it happens to be their mayor. The family goes to meet the mayor and they are surprised to see that it is Sideshow Bob, and he is equally surprised to see them. Sideshow Bob tells them how he came to Italy, become mayor and started a family with his wife (Francesca) and son (Gino). He hopes that the Simpsons will keep the secret of his criminal past, but Lisa’s first exposure to drinking wine leads to loose lips, which sinks his ship. Sideshow Bob, being no longer welcome in his new home, swears a vendetta on the Simpson family. The Simpsons go on the run from Sideshow Bob, who is joined by his wife and son as the vendetta affects their entire family. In Rome, the family discovers that Krusty is preparing to perform the lead in “I Pagliacci.” The Simpsons hide as extras within the show, but Krusty gets tossed off-stage only to be replaced by Sideshow Bob, whose family has the Simpsons surrounded. Krusty and his limo save the day, while Sideshow Bob and his family adjust to their unresolved vendetta.
Simpsonien perhe lähtee johtaja Burnsin toimeksiannosta Italiaan, jossa Bart törmää sattumalta vanhaan vihamieheensä Sideshow Bobiin.
Après que sa vieille voiture soit tombée en panne, M. Burns décide d'acheter une voiture de sport, une Lamborgotti Fasterossa, qu'il charge Homer d'aller chercher directement à sa sortie d'usine en Italie. Après avoir récupéré la voiture, les Simpson profitent du voyage pour visiter le pays. Un accident de voiture les amènent à s'arrêter dans un petit village de Toscane où ils découvrent que le maire n'est autre que Tahiti Bob qui mène désormais une vie paisible et a fondé une famille. Mais lors d'un repas bien arrosé, Lisa va mettre les pieds dans le plat, les effets du vin rouge aidant, en révélant le passé de l'ancien prisonnier de Springfield...
I Simpson sono in Italia a ritirare un'auto per il signor Burns, e in un paese scoprono la vera identità del sindaco.
Os Simpson perdem-se em Itália e acabam por ir parar a uma pequena cidade onde Sideshow Bob é o Mayor.
Симпсоны отправляются в Италию, чтобы доставить для мистера Бернса новую дорогую спортивную машину, но внезапно сталкиваются там со своим старым знакомцем Бобом и его кровожадной семейкой.
Los Simpson van a Italia a buscar el nuevo auto de Burns, pero el auto se les estropea y buscan ayuda en un pequeño pueblo italiano donde son sorprendidos por un rehabilitado Bob Patiño, que ha creado una familia y gobierna el pueblo como alcalde. Bob consigue, aunque por poco tiempo, que los Simpson guarden en secreto los detalles de su oscuro pasado. Tras revelarse la verdad, se inicia el enfrentamiento Terwilliger contra Simpson.
Após o Sr. Burns bate seu carro, ele manda Homer e sua família para a Itália para buscar seu novo e caro carro esportivo. Enquanto estão em sua aventura na Itália, os Simpsons acabam se perdendo num pequeno vilarejo onde um reabilitado Sideshow Bob é o prefeito. Sideshow Bob impressiona os Simpsons para que eles mantenham o sórdido passado dele em segredo, até que um membro da família, induzido por uma bebedeira de vinho, acaba revelando tudo.
Amikor a Simpson család Olaszországba utazik, hogy elhozzanak egy autót Mr. Burnsnek, kiderül, hogy Balfék Bob ott szeretett, kisvárosi polgármester lett.
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